What we stand for
Mission Alignment
While unpaid financial wellness programs exist, we chose to be an employer-sponsored program because it’s 100% aligned with the benefit of your employees. This means we don’t rely on your employees to cover the cost of the program.
No One Left Behind
Unlike payroll loan programs which rely on credit history to determine eligibility and interest they charge, HoneyBee helps all employees cover their bills and expenses at zero cost.
Guidelines and Standards
Amount and terms established by HoneyBee are aligned with the affordability guidelines and recommendations of The Pew Charitable Trusts, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) and The National Credit Union Administration (NCUA). We will never give employees more than what they can afford to repay, offer them a financially dangerous product nor contribute to their financial stress.
All Employers Welcomed
No company is ever too small. Regardless of your company size, our goal is to provide the support your employees need and deserve! We’re easy to implement and affordable for your wallet.